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Sir George Gilbert Scott, the unsung hero of British architecture

In his article “Sir George Gilbert Scott, the unsung hero of British architecture,” Simon Jenkins of The Guardian discusses why the recent restoration of St Pancras Station should bring a newfound recognition for the work of Sir George Gilbert Scott.

Defying death

As Jenkins opens, for many St Pancras Station will be remembered as an old, dilapidated building. It had fallen into disrepair over the years and its grand detailing, once proudly on display, was littered with dirt. Thirty years ago, Jenkins staged a protest to draw attention to its plight. Thankfully, people took note. Eventually.

In 2011, St Pancras hotel reopened after years of restoration. As Jenkins notes, it “defied the forces of darkness”. People could once again enjoy its beauty. Its majesty.

Restored to its former magnificence, St Pancras shows just how masterful architects of old were- and how Sir George Gilbert Scott was one of the best.

The unsung hero of British Architecture

Sir George Gilbert Scott has 607 structures listed as historic which is more than any other architect in history. He designed St Pancras in such a way that it’s a testament to medieval architecture, in the same way all his buildings are.

Jenkins believes that the upkeep of Scott’s work is in decline, and that this is one of the reasons his work goes largely unnoticed today. “What the neglect of Scott illustrates is how fickle is the eye of fashion.” Notes Jenkins, “The dirt that came to encase his buildings, much of whose appeal lay in ornament and colour, was mistaken for ugliness.”

You can read Jenkins’ article on The Guardian.