John Richard Clayton

See also Clayton and Bell Clayton was a student at the Royal Academy at the same time as Armstead, whom he introduced to Scott. In around 1855 he went into partnership with Bell, with whom, Scott said, he ‘had a morbid love of the queer’. He was an honorary member of the Spring Gardens Sketching Club from 1866, working in Scott's office between 1863-9, and also taught the artist Redfern. He was a lifelong friend of Norman Shaw. His work for Scott includes Westminster Abbey, Choir Clerestory 1855; St Michael’s, Cornhill, with Bell, 1860; Westminster Abbey, north transept, 1860; decorated choir vault, Gloucester Cathedral, 1866-72; decorated choir ceiling, Chester Cathedral, 1870; walls of Salisbury Cathedral choir, 1871.


Richard Coad


Somers L. G. Clarke