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Sudeley Castle and St Mary's Chapel, Sudeley

John Drayton Wyatt (1820-91), was a native of Gloucestershire and joined Scott and Moffat in 1841, becoming Scott’s chief perspectivist. In 1854 Sir George Gilbert Scott started to restore Sudeley Castle for John Croucher Dent working on the western side of the inner court in the style of the existing Medieval and Elizabethan buildings. In 1858 he began restoring its free-standing chapel with Wyatt’s assistance. This included a new marble tomb for Queen Katherine Parr, with a fine effigy by Philip in 1859, and major work on the interior which had fallen into decay during the eighteenth century, completed by 1863. In 1865 Scott and Wyatt designed a terrace of almshouses at nearby Winchcombe, and two years later they built the school there. About this time Wyatt set up in practice on his own but still carried on working for the Dents on Sudeley and other buildings in the area. He continued to produce superb perspectives for Scott, as well as other architects, which were regularly exhibited at the Royal Academy.

Directory of British Architects 1834-1914, 2 volumes (Continium, London, 2001), vol. II, p. 1075.
Pevsner, N., Verey, D., and Brooks, A., Gloucestershire I: The Cotswolds in the Buildings of England (Penguin Books, London, 1999), pp. 678, 731, 734, 674.