St Peter and St Paul, Buckingham

Church restored for Rev. W. F. Norris between 1862 and 1866 and was completed by Sir George Gilbert Scott’s son, John Oldrid, the total cost reaching £15,000. Originally a church dating from 1777, attributed to F. Horne, Scott gave it a new chancel, at the cost of the last Duke of Buckingham, all new windows except for the bell openings, a new south porch and turret, with new internal piers and timber vaulting throughout. Scott had reported that the church was in immediate danger as the underpinning was not suitable for the extra weight of the church, so buttresses were suggested as extra support. Money for these was raised by subscription advertised in the Buckinghamshire Advertiser and Free Press in 1864. Alterations to the nave were finally finished by John Oldrid in 1884. 


Chantry Chapel of St John, Buckingham


Holy Trinity, Bledlow