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St Nicholas, Arundel

Sir George Gilbert Scott restored this church in 1873-4, at a cost of £7,500 financed by public subscription, the two largest contributors being the dowager marchioness of Bath and Lord Leconfield. The church could sit 700 people and one third of the seats were free. A particular impetus was the need to counter the triumphalism expressed in the building of the new Roman Catholic church. The pews and galleries were removed, the medieval pulpit, then used as a pew, was restored to its proper purpose, the organ was moved from the east end to the north transept, though part of its loft remained in situ until 1977, and a new sanctuary surrounded by a low wall was laid out under the crossing and part of the nave, with an altar, reredos, choir and clergy stalls. A new wall was constructed between the church and Fitzalan Chapel.