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St Mary's, Lutterworth

In the winter of 1865 the roof of the nave became so unsafe that it was found necessary to close the church. Upon examination it was discovered that the unscientific manner in which galleries had been inserted had thrust the walls from the perpendicular, and pillars and arches had been ‘injured’. Sir George Gilbert Scott was called in to carry out a survey and estimated the repairs would cost £7,000. Subscriptions were raised and Scott carried out his restoration between 1867-9. This included restoring the chancel windows, straightening the north wall, re-discovering the lancet window in the chancel, extending the north aisle the length of the chancel, repositioning the Wycliffe Memorial, removing galleries from the side aisles and under the tower and re-discovering and re-painting the two wall paintings and other decorations. A vestry was also added and the roofs were renewed, as well as general repairs to the building fabric.