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St Mary's, Ellesmere

Lord Ellesmere, not surprisingly, was involved in the restoration of Ellesmere Church in Shropshire, forty miles south of Worsley, which Scott carried out between 1847 and 1849. The Earl’s family contributed £3,500 out of a total cost of £8,000, for what was a drastic restoration. The old church was in an appalling state, which seemed to necessitate rebuilding most of the nave and aisles in white stone and scraping the red stone of the remaining portions. The transepts were heavily restored and a stair turret was added. Here was another central tower which had to be strengthened by the perilous operation of rebuilding its supports. This was accomplished by Sir George Gilbert Scott’s Clerk of Works, Charles Hannum, who when he finished with Ellesmere transferred to Aylesbury, where there were equally daunting tower problems and the church was restored in an equally drastic manner. Soon after the completion of the first phase of Worsley Church, Scott had a connection with another branch of the Egerton family.

Pevsner, N., Shropshire, Buildings of England (Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1958), p. 127.
Records of Buckinghamshire, vol. XXXIV, 1992, p. 5.