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St James's, Victoria Road, New Brighton

Built in sandstone by Sir George Gilbert Scott between 1854-6, a large handsome church, seen as ‘typically Scott’, it has a north-east steeple, broach spire and painted apse. Work progressed well but on 22nd November, 1854 a violent storm erupted which caused a great deal of damage to the half-built church. As a result, work upon the church was put back many months and further funds were required to repair the damage. Work recommenced but ceased for about six months in 1855 through lack of funds. The exterior was completed early in 1856 and a further appeal was launched in April of that year as the subscription list monies had been used up – the contractors, ‘Furness and Kilpin’ of Lawton Street, Liverpool, had not been fully paid for their work and there was a need for funds to purchase a church bell, an organ and to fence the grounds. The additional money was promptly raised enabling the church to be consecrated by the Bishop on 10th July 1856, with the church walls and parsonage still to be completed. The total cost of the church and parsonage was £12,253 and was mainly paid by subscription; the largest subscribers were the Rev. R.D Fowell (£1,025); John North (£1,000) and William Rowson (£900).