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St Cuthbert's, Darlington

After Sir George Gilbert Scott’s report of 1861 was published, the church was restored between 1862-5 at an estimated cost of £6,100. Scott had called it ‘one of the most uniform and most beautiful parish churches he knew’. Scott used his ‘very excellent Clerk of the Works Mr. Clear who … carried out a very similar work for me on a smaller scale at Darlington Church’, and who then went on to work at St David’s. This included the removal of galleries, repairs and alterations to the roof, new stalls, a pulpit with marble shafting and a reading desk, a new floor `laid down sufficiently low to shew the Base of the Pillars’, the foundations being `placed in a state of security’, the west end being secured by additional buttresses, the north aisle wall in a great part rebuilt, renewed heating and lighting apparatus, and proper drains laid around the church.

The Builder , 23 June 1866, p. 471.
Scott, G.G., ‘Mr Scott, R.A., on S.Cuthbert’s Church, Darlington’, Trans. Architectural & Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland , I, (1870), pp. 9-18.