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Christchurch Cathedral, Christchurch

This was a project that Sir George Gilbert Scott started in 1864 and took the rest of his life. He designed the cathedral in a thirteenth century style, with mainly English details though there are also a few French features. Scott sent out R. Speechly in 1865 to supervise the work initially, but he was superceeded by B. W. Mountfort, a New Zealand architect when building started again in 1873. It was built of local Canterbury stone, although timber had been the original building material to combat the threat of earthquakes. The nave, tower and spire were begun in 1873 and consecrated in 1881. The porch and balconies at the top of the tower, as well as the fittings, were all designed by Mountfort. Having survived a series of earthquakes including damage to the spire in 1888 and 1901, the 2011 earthquake caused major structural damage and the future of the building is not yet known. There are currently arguments as to whether to demolish and rebuild it, or restore the building to the original design.